All tagged suspect fled

The Mysterious Case of Dan "D. B." Cooper

In Portland, Oregon 1971, a man going by the name of Dan Cooper bought a ticket for Northwest Orient Airlines Flight #305 at the airport. During the flight, Cooper explained to the stewardess that he had a bomb in his briefcase. Cooper escaped the plane with about 200,000 dollars in ransom money, and his disappearance remains unsolved to this day.

Ex-Boyfriend of Alexis Gabe Shot During Pursual by Police

Last week, the ex-boyfriend of Alexis Gabe, an Oakley California woman who has been missing for six months, was shot and killed by police while charging with a knife during their attempt to arrest him. Additionally, on that day, the Contra Costa County District Attorney announced that they believe Gabe to be dead and now it is a search for her dead body, which is still missing.