Stabbing Deaths of Mom and Two Daughters Ruled A Murder-Suicide

Stabbing Deaths of Mom and Two Daughters Ruled A Murder-Suicide

Police in Boone County, Kentucky have closed their investigation surrounding the January 9th stabbing deaths of 31-year-old Monique Pena, and her two daughters, 12-year-old Nikki Romero-Pena and 3-year-old Katie Farrell-Pena, declaring it a murder-suicide.

In a statement from the Boone County Sheriff’s Office, the fatal stabbing occurred January 9th at Monique’s home at 173 Overland Ridge, Apartment 204.

Monique’s partner, Matthew Farrell, 36, was the only surviving victim. He was awoken by Monique repeatedly stabbing him. Neighbors recount that they could hear Farrell yelling “Don’t do this! Why are you doing this to the kids? Don’t kill me!” He fled the apartment believing he was the only victim. He called 911 after he ran out of the apartment.

All four suffered multiple stab wounds. Officers recount the crime scene as horrific, leaving deputies and investigators speechless. Statements from Pena corroborated what witnesses and neighbors had explained to them.

Independent statements taken from Monique’s family say she was experiencing extreme paranoia which caused her to believe her family was going to harm her children or take them away from her.

Based on evidence and statements, police concluded their deaths were a result from a murder-suicide.

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