Siblings Sent to Prison for Roles in 1993 Cold Case

Siblings Sent to Prison for Roles in 1993 Cold Case

            Two siblings were sentenced to jail last Thursday for their role in the murder of 19-year-old Frank McAlister in 1993 from Shasta County, California. Curtis and Shanna Culver, now 50 and 46 years old respectively, were charged by the Shasta County Superior Court with voluntary manslaughter, robbery, and multiple assault charges.

            On May 7th, 1993, the Culvers and a third accomplice lured Frank McAlister to a remote area in eastern Shasta County before stabbing him multiple times in the chest and head. According to Law & Crime, their intention for killing McAlister was to steal a $4,500 check he recently received from an insurance settlement to buy drugs with. A year later, the body of McAlister was found near the Grace and Nora Lakes, and the cold case was open and worked on through the next 27 years.

            That third accomplice, Brian Hawkins (49), was the one to bring the truth of the case to life when he confessed to his role in the crime on January 9, 2018. According to Record Searchlight, Hawkins told the story at a local TV station before describing the story and motivation to the police. It’s stated that his reason for confessing was his inability to live any longer with the guilt of what he had done with them.

            With the Culver’s conviction, they will be joining Hawkins in prison with a sentence of 35 years for Curtis and 20 years for Shanna. For both of their sentences, it was ruled mandatory that they serve at least 85% of their term in prison before being eligible for parole.

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