New Podcast Episode: With Consent, Without Murder

New Podcast Episode: With Consent, Without Murder

Aurora gives us the scoop on the little talked about but fascinating to hear about serial killer, Roger Kibbe, also known as the I-5 Strangler. The California killer met his end in prison just last week on February 28th. But his crimes date back to at least the 70s. Aurora talks about his confirmed victims, what tied them together, the murderer's M.O., and how he was caught.

Angelina has a story that is eerily similar to one of our earlier episodes, although we're always hearing about how rare and unexpected these types of events are. Hunter Chenoweth murdered 3 relatives in their family home in Arkansas, and then fled the scene, abducting his infant nephew to join him in a statewide road trip. But they were intercepted by state troopers. Hear about how this whole mess started, and how the surviving members of Hunter's large blended family are dealing with the aftermath.

Listen to episode #8 of Murder Murder News’ podcast ->

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