All tagged witchy stuff

The History of Samhain

In the modern day, Halloween is celebrated by those from many cultures and religious backgrounds. Halloween’s pagan origins, Samhain, has been practiced for thousands of years. Ancient Celts and those who celebrate today believe the veil between the living and the dead opened from October 31 to November 1.

What is Wicca? Who are the Practitioners?

Wicca is an alternative minority religion that began in the U.K. in the 1940s as a pagan movement. The movement arrived in the United States in the 1960s. Unlike the bad reputation of Witchcraft in history, Wicca is not satanic and demonic; it's a 'pre-Christian tradition' that promotes divinity that is sought in nature.

Easy Last-Minute Costume Ideas for Halloween

Many people (including me) are guilty of waiting until the last minute to choose their Halloween costumes. This can cause a number of problems, such as costumes being sold out, rushes of people in the same situation that you're in, and scrambling to think of an idea in the first place. Have no fear--here are some easy costumes that you can throw together to have a spooky fun Halloween!