New Podcast Episode: Don't Let Bandits Do Your Bidding

New Podcast Episode: Don't Let Bandits Do Your Bidding

You may have noticed a whole lot of very similar headlines in recent years about gunmen kidnapping schoolchildren in Nigeria, and you might recall Michelle Obama brought a lot of attention to the Bring Back Our Girls campaign, but what is really happening over there? Why are there so many kidnappings? Are they all connected? Why are the captors targeting schoolchildren? Aurora has answers for all of that and more.

Another mass shooting? But we didn't even get a chance to mention the last major mass shooting! There have been more mass shootings than days so far this year in America. This week an assailant with a modified AR-15 terrorized the patrons of a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, claiming 10 victims including a responding police officer. Last week a shooter attacked three spas in the Atlanta area, killing 8 people, most of whom were women of Asian descent. Angelina tries to connect all the dots and sum up why U.S. gun laws need to change.

Listen to episode #11 of Murder Murder News’ podcast ->

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