12 Crimes of Christmas: Missing Messiah

12 Crimes of Christmas: Missing Messiah

In 2008, the baby Jesus was stolen from a nativity scene from the lawn of a community center in Wellington, Florida. You’re probably thinking that teenagers pull these sorts of pranks all of the time, and there was no way Three wise men were going to follow any stars to get to this baby Jesus, but this Jesus actually came with a GPS tracking device. In the year 2008. That’s right, apparently it’s so common for vandalism of nativity scenes, that it can be common for churches and community centers to use hidden cameras and GPS devices to protect them. The police were about to use the device to trace the baby Jesus to an 18 year old woman’s apartment. She was arrested for theft. Thanks for joining us for our 12 crimes of Christmas countdown, and we wish you a magical holiday from all of us at MurderMurder News.

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12 Crimes of Christmas: Santa's Spree

12 Crimes of Christmas: Santa's Spree